Supply List

Supplies for this class are very simple.  The 8GC has compiled a complete supply list as an effort to decrease the amount of money spent on supplies. 


Not on the list... Every student also needs to have a 1 composition notebook.

Below is a list of much needed supplies. It is not required but definitely much appreciated.

By Hour 

1st Hour:  Clorox Wipes for community

3rd Hour:  Package of Flip Chart Markers or Markers (Flip Chart are best)

4th Hour: 2 packs pencils for community (cheapest)

5th Hour:  Kleenex for community

6th Hour:  Package of White Board- Dry Erase Markers

SUGGESTION:  It is recommended that each student carry a small travel container of hand sanitizer in their backpack.  

NOTE:  I don’t require the use of a binder.  We use our class set of Chromebooks.  Most of our work is digital.