Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education


"Come forth into the light of things.  Let nature be your teacher."

                  - William Wordsworth-


Hello, and welcome to Outdoor Education.  My name is Frank Blair and this will be my thirtieth year teaching in Owasso Public schools and my seventeenth at the eighth grade center.  I am very excited about teaching this subject and look forward to a great year.

          The purpose of this class is to explore environmental concerns and their impact on outdoor related activities.  Subjects that will be covered will include but are not limited to: hunting, fishing, land management, species identification, habitat management, ecology, biology, hunter education and safety, archery, orienteering, geocaching, firearm safety, and exploration of outdoor related careers among other subjects.

          This class is an elective and as such it is assumed that both the student and his/her parents have opted to take part in this class.  Due to the nature of this class there will be times when students will be required to participate in activities that will take them outdoors.  The harvesting of animals will be discussed and may be demonstrated and there will be some graphic detail.  By being in this class it assumed that these terms are acceptable.

          Students are expected to participate in all aspects of the class.  Failure to comply can result in extra writing assignments, a lowering of the students grade, and/ or removal from the class. 

          Every effort will be made to keep out of pocket expenses to a minimum.  If there is a need to collect a fee or material all considerations will be made to include everyone regardless of financial capability.  If you or your family are facing economic hardships contact Mr. Blair or one of the councilors so that arrangements can be made. 


Grades – Owasso school district policy will be followed regarding grading scale (see student handbook for details).  Points will be given for classwork, projects and test.    Number of points per assignments will be based upon its value to the class.  Grades will be determined by the percentage of points earned.  Major projects and test will be given double points.


Late work -  Late work will be accepted in accordance with district policy.  A 10% reduction will be given for each week that the assignment is late, not to exceed 50%.


Field Trips – This is dependent upon district policy and financial ability.




What is Outdoor Education?

What is Outdoor Education? Just the coolest class ever!! This short video will give you some ideas of just what we do.