
Instructor Information:

Liz Reed

(918) 272-6274 Ext. 1523

Email: [email protected]


You are expected to turn in all assignments on time and to the best of your ability. Behavior should never be an issue in class. Any issues will result in communication with parents immediately, no warnings. We have a lot to cover, and maturity is a must. This is your last year before high school. If you allow it, my classroom environment will be FUN and UPBEAT. If you use your class time at 100%, you won’t be stuck with hours of homework each week. Be on time and work hard!

Take care of your restroom needs before class.

Do not ask to go to the restroom when the bell rings. 

Unless you have special circumstances, it will be difficult to leave class.

Virtual Class (IF We Pivot to Home):  In the event we are scheduled for virtual days, Pivot to Home, students should log into Google Classroom during their regular course time as if they were at school and click on the Google Meet link in the top left corner of the class page.  I will be present and will take attendance.  Class will be conducted as if we were in the classroom.  It is not optional.  

CLICK HERE to view a full list of 8th grade ELA standards


Texts/Web-based activities
Brozo, William G. Literature. Hoboken, NJ: Pearson, 2015. Print
(Digital textbook access is available through Powerschool login)
Various Novels
Self-Selected Text
Teacher Selected Text and Film as Multimodal Literacies and are used as district adopted texts

 Actively Learn

Supplies for Everyone:

  • CLICK HERE for the full 8th grade supply list. 
  • 1 composition notebook (college ruled please)
  • Not required but always appreciated: Kleenex and disinfectant wipes

CELL PHONE POLICY:  There is a “no cell phone policy” in the classroom.  We have discovered that the devices are more of a hindrance than a help.  Upon entering the classroom, students will place their phone in their assigned pocket.  At the end of class, they will retrieve their cell phone.  Any student caught with their phone in class will receive a discipline referral.  If you need to get in contact with your child while they are in class, feel free to call the office at 918.272.6274.

Absent & Late Work: When a student is absent from class, it is the STUDENT’S responsibility to get missing assignments and to turn them in on time. Daily assignments are posted in Google Classroom along with most handouts. Most of the time, you can finish the assignment from home and be on track for the next day. I will not remind you to turn in late work. Late work is allowed up to one day past the due date for ½ credit and is not permitted on projects, long-term assignments or book proofs. It will be your responsibility.

Grading Policy: Grades are updated almost daily. Essays and reports take longer to grade. I do adhere to the school’s grading policy.

General Reading: By now, you should be a lifelong reader, reading for information and pleasure. Always be involved in a novel.  Please plan to complete one novel per month. You will be assigned a book project once per quarter in on level Language Arts, and more frequently in Advanced classes.

Google Drive: We will be working out of Google Drive. You will turn in hard copies of some assignments while others will be shared with me via Google Docs. Be responsible. Keep documents in your drive “clean and appropriate”. You will be held responsible for all items on your Google Drive that are connected to our school account. Failure to use technology in a responsible manner will result in you forfeiting the privilege or could cause you to be limited to a classroom computer that is visible to the teacher. You are required to “Share Screen” each day while in class.

Student Emails: (this will be your chromebook log-in as well.)

Username = 1st initial, last initial, student id       Ex. kb930293

Password = OPS (8digit birthdate)       Ex. OPS06091993

Chromebook – You will use a Chromebook in my classroom daily.  Students need to have their chromebooks charged when they arrive to class each day. 

PowerSchool: It is your responsibility to check your grades regularly. Access can be obtained by logging into PowerSchool. It is VITAL that you have the PowerSchool app on your devices or computer. Parents are encouraged to download the app also. 

NOTE TO PARENTS: You should login to PowerSchool using the parent login only. Do not use the student login. Problems arise when parents use the student login and change the password. Students need to keep their username and password the same because it allows them to access their textbook and exams.  I use for many of our tests and learning assignments.  I will demonstrate how to login. 

NoRedINK:  This program is used to help us teach new skills, gain practice in areas of struggle, and demonstrate mastery.  This program will be treated as a textbook in addition to books assigned.  Completing assignments in this program is not a suggestion, it is our digital textbook with real time feedback and is required. and Actively Learn: This program helps us with improving literacy skills.  Work will be posted in Google Classroom and you’ll be redirected to login to the platforms with your Google account.  Grades are taken from this program.  It allows me to electronically deliver assignments, provide quick feedback, and cut down on paper copies.

Google Classroom:  Parents and students need to register for their hour by visiting my webpage.

Looking forward to an awesome year together!

Liz Reed